Coffee with NEET Day - 15

Living world


 Objective questions. 

1. When generic name is repeated in specific name of a plant it is called

a) synonyms

b) antonyms

c) tautonyms

d) none of the above. 

Answer. c) tautonyms. 


If both generic and specific names are same, these are called tautonyms. 

2. Specimen used for original publication by the author is

a) holotype   b) isotype    c) syntype   d) lactotype

Answer. a) holotype. 


Holotype is a original type specimen from which the description of a species is established. 

3. Number of criteria used in classifying organisms in five kingdom classification is

a) 5  b) 4  c) 3  d) 2

Answer. a) 5.


The main criteria for classifying organisms into five kingdoms are complexity of cell structure, body organisation, the mode of nutrition, life style and the phylogenetic relationship. 

4. Artificial system of classification was first used by

a) Linnaeus

b) De Candolle

c) Theophrastus

d) Bentam and Hooker

Answer. c) Theophrastus. 


Artificial system of classification was first used by Theophrastus. A classification based on one or a few superficial similarities is called an artificial system of classification. 

5. Institution which encourages publication of local flora is

a) NBRI    b) FRI    c) BSI     d) IARI

Answer. c) BSI. 


Botanical survey of India at Kolkata explores the plant wealth of India. 

6. The scientist who created the group protista for both unicellular plants and animals is

a) Haeckel    b) Pasteur    c) Lister      d) Koch

Answer. a) Haeckel. 


A German biologist Ernst Haeckel created a third kingdom protista in 1866 for unicellular organism such as bacteria, protozoan, algae and fungi. 

7. In a scientific name, the name of author is printed in

a) Italics      b) Bold (antics)    c) Roman    d) Capital letters. 

Answer. c) Roman. 


In a scientific name, the name of author is printed in Roman, eg. Mangifera indica linn, the linn. Stand for Linnaeus. 

8. Static concept of species was put forward by

a) De Candolle

b) Linnaeus

c) Theophrastus

d) Darwin

Answer. b) Linnaeus. 


The static concept of species was given by Linnaeus in systema naturae. 

9. Assertion. Acraniata is a group of organisms which do not have distinct cranium. 

Reason. It includes small marine forms without head. 


If both the assertion and reason are true but the reason is not a correct explanation of the assertion. 


Acraniata includes marine forms without head or cranium. They lack jaws, vertebral column, paired appendages. 

10. Assertion. To give scientific name to plant, there is ICBN. 

Reason. It uses articles, photographs and recommendations to name a plant. 


If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion. 


      Anyone can study, describe, identify and give a name to a organism provide certain rules are followed. These rules are formed and standardized by International code of Botanical Nomenclature' (ICBN). It uses articles, photographs and recommendations. 


Dr. A. KINGSLIN M.Sc, BEd, Phd

Post Graduate Teacher in Botany
St. Mary Goretty Hr. Sec School, Manalikarai 
Kanyakumari district

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