Hello Students: DAY- 14 Morning Coffee with NEET


*Father of Biology = Aristotle
*Father of Zoology= Aristotle
*Father of Natural History= Aristotle
*Father of Botany= Theoprastus
*Father of Modern Botany = Carolus Linnaeus
*Father of Indian palaeobotany= Birbal Sahni
*Father of Medicine= Hippocrates
*Father of Homeopathy= Hahnemann
*Father of Ayurveda= Charaka
*Father of Microbiology= Louis Pasteur
*Father of Immunology= Edward Jenner
*Father of surgery= Susruta
*Father of Protozoology=Antony Van Leeuwenhoek
*Father of Microscopy= Antony Van Leeuwenhoek
*Father of  Bacteriology=Antony Van Leeuwenhoek
*Father of Plant Anatomy= Nehemiah Grew
*Father of Microscopic Anatomy= Marcello Malpighi
*Father of Comparative anatomy=George Cuvier
*Father of Cytology= Robert Hooke
*Father of Modern Cytology= Carl P Swanson
*Father of Blood circulation= William Harvey
*Father of Virology= W.M.Stanley
*Father of Blood groups= Karl Landsteiner
*Father of ECG(Electrocardiogram)= Einthoven
*Father of Histology= Xavier Bichat
*Father of Ecology= Alexander Von Humboldt
*Father of Modern Ecology= Eugene P.Odum
*Father of Indian Ecology= R .Misra
*Father of Chromatography= Michael Tswett
*Father of parasitology=Platter

Mr.R.Soundarapandian, MSc, MEd, MPhil, 
PG Asst Zoology 
SIR MCTM Boys Higher Secondary School, 

Purasawalkam Chennai-84.

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